Edible Garden

    So many Brown Turkey Figs!

    Leafhopper Assassin with a meal.

    Volunteer tomato is flowering. Who knows what kind of fruit this might grow (if pollinated). So too blooms our late April direct seeded peppers blooming.

    Cultivated native California grapes are coming along quite well.

    Pineapple guava (Feijoa sellowiana) flowers.

    Turns out native California grape flowers ate definitely not showy but are well loved by small pollinators.

    I think these are as showy as native California grape flowers get. Will report back.

    Warmer than usual weather means Peppers are rapidly sprouting. We direct seeded this year as an experiment.

    This western toad is why I carefully cut back the parsley. I knew it was in there somewhere. I stopped at the toad and gently covered with trimmings to maintain shade and moisture.

    Was prepping the vegetable garden bed and had to dodge lots of ladybugs.

    Planted more asparagus today. They came with white asparagus sprouts. Looks like freaky white worms in this photo.IMG 1586

    Backyard Relaxation

    Relaxing can mean accomplishing things. The backyard always offers things to accomplish! Accomplishing things makes me feel good.

    Today I:

    • braved a ladder and pruned the apricot
    • cut up pieces of bug ridden wood for disposal (remnant of last occupant of the property that used untreated non-cedar wood for planters)
    • weeded to avoid herbicide
    • found a Chorus frog!
    • turned the entire compost pile

    Here’s the Chorus frog (Pseudacris) I discovered:


    We’re trying to propagate lemon grass after dividing canes from our outdoor plant (hope it overwinters). The centers of the canes have popped up — thinking this means positive water pressure and that may mean the canes are taking in water so this may work.

    Birds gorging on sweet basil seeds.

    The birds are gorging on seeds in our front and backyard gardens. So happy to provide them sustenance rather than a lawn desert!

    Barely photographed a bee on our holy basil. They were extremely shy and did not loiter. 🐝

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