
    Glacier Lily (Erythronium grandiflorum) from near the summit of Black Butte in California’s northern Coast Range. Rocks always make a photo great, but I am biased.

    First bloom of the peppers. Serranos in this case. 🌱

    white serrano pepper flowers and a deep red ladybug on a leaf

    Peppers and tomatoes got their second Jobes fertilization today in advance of likely rain. We really don’t want end rot on our fruit! Flowers should be developing on the peppers real soon. Fruit set is beginning on the tomatoes. Meanwhile, front yard annuals are looking hot 🌱

    Might be a Copestylum mexicanum (Mexican cactus fly). If so, it is fittingly on a cultivated California wild rose flower.

    Our back porch grapes look awesome this year! The fullest they’ve ever been.

    grapes vining below a porch coverdeveloping clumps of grape flowers

    The humble shrub that’s predicting a terrible fire season

    The humble shrub that’s predicting a terrible fire season.

    I like the rust color of dried out chamise flowers. I don’t like where this fire season is headed.

    Peppers and tomatoes garden update: tomatoes are flowering and peppers are finally growing post-transplant. The Drip Depot crop row irrigation kit is ace. 🌱

    Our mandarin tree is in full bloom. 🌱🌳

    Front yard update. Poppies are now blooming, joining the creeping sage and the Ceanothus (California Lilac). 🌱

    light purple sage flowers, golden poppy flowers, and violet ceanothus flowers.

    Backyard Elderberries are seeking pollinators.

    yellow elderberry flowers against elderberry leaves

    Our β€œBacon” Avocado tree is blooming basically right on time as compared to last year on April 11th. It has yet to produce any fruit and it is supposed to be self-pollinating. 🌱🌳

    Spring mornings in our front yard. Sage and Ceanothus are in full bloom. πŸ’šπŸŒ±

    sage (light purple) and ceanothus (violet) flowers.

    Ceanothus (California lilac) is magnificently blooming. 🌱

    The nectarine is about to start shedding its flowers. Leaves are growing. Since it is pretty young starting its second year in the ground, I’ll be super impressed if it successfully fruits. 🌳🌱

    A slow, rolling bloom for the apricot this year. It didn’t fruit at all last year. Here’s hoping for a fruitful year. (it has fruited before so we know it is possible) 🌳🌱

    Our β€œBacon” Avocado flower buds are developing nicely. Also, the fig is waking up. 🌱🌳

    avocado flower budsfig showing leaf growth

    First apricot bloom. Hopefully, as in past years, far more will follow. Figure this flower puts pollinators on notice. 🌳🌱

    This should be my last nectarine flower photo. This year. 🌳🌱

    pink to magenta nectarine flower

    The nectarine is up and at β€˜em with many glorious blooms. 🌱🌳

    First bloom today of our nectarine! 🌳 🌱

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