
    The humble shrub that’s predicting a terrible fire season

    The humble shrub that’s predicting a terrible fire season.

    I like the rust color of dried out chamise flowers. I don’t like where this fire season is headed.

    MeteoBridge Email Weather Alerts & FastMail

    MeteoBridge reports my weather station data to all sorts of services. To be rid of IFTTT, I finally set MeteoBridge up to send an email if certain weather conditions happen. And FastMail, to my surprise, has a rule Action for notifications! Yeah, definitely don’t need IFTTT anymore.

    We planted all our indoor pepper and tomato starts. The Serranos looked most distressed prior to transplant 🤞🌱

    We got some pea-sized hail today!

    Started prepping the garden rows today. Great weather and perfect soil moisture. Was surprised how well the electric tiller did. 🌱

    before tilling 3 rowsafter tilling three rows

    The preceding sunset was way more picturesque than Jupiter and Saturn 😜

    Sunset during our isolation vacation at the North Coast of California.

    Moonlight over the Pacific. Above the moon, Jupiter and then Saturn.

    Sundown at Trinidad, California. We’re hunkered down here for a few nights, completely self-sufficient and not likely to go anywhere. Not a bad choice with this view. I have a feeling this is the last time we’ll risk going somewhere until vaccinations.

    Good morning. This morning’s sun rise almost makes up for my neighbor being obsessive with their sheet metal shelters and sheds.

    The rainy season in California is right around the corner, so I just cleaned the rain gage & other weather station components of summer’s dust and ash. Meanwhile, the mandarins are slowly ripening.

    I’m looking forward to winter. Summer was far too long.

    Furnace burners at full flame

    TBH, Fall is grilling season here.

    Siri Shortcut for Meteobridge Weather Report

    If you have a weather station with Meteobridge, I’ve made a iOS Siri Shortcut so Siri can tell you about current conditions. You can tweak the weather report using variables on Meteobridge’s template page along with other small shortcut adjustments.

    By default it reports current temperature, humidity and gusts in the last hour.

    You’ll likely want to change the shortcut’s name. I chose simply “Yard” since Siri on HomePod finds it unique enough to not do something else. And my station is in the yard.

    Upon import, It’ll ask for your Meteobridge IP address and credentials. Those are private to your device! Then be sure to go to the shortcut’s details screen to enable Internet access. Test it out on your handheld device then try on your HomePod. If you’re using HomePod, it may need a power cycle to see the shortcut……

    Get the Shortcut!

    Been a few years since we first wanted to mulch the backyard. Weather got nice so here we go with 10 cu yd of chips!

    Today’s obligatory wildfire smoke scene. Halide app made it dead easy to override auto white balance.

    Winds started after midnight here and dramatically warmed the air from ~75 to ~87°F. Likely katabatic winds.

    Can confirm.


    Good morning: light of sunrise reflecting off the smoke.

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