

    Stuffing waffles for post-Thanksgiving breakfast is now 100% a tradition.

    My partner in crime sure does know how to cook a golden, juicy bird.

    symmetrical golden brown turkey parts

    Current Slate of Fujifilm Film Simulations

    I’ve got a slate of six Film Simulations from Fuji X Weekly loaded on my X100V. Fuji X Weekly’s Film Recipes app is nice for a quick reference. Here’s what I’ll be working with for a while in hopes of greatly limiting RAW reprocessing with Straight-Out-Of-Camera (SOOC) JPEGs:

    I figured out how to use Fujifilm X Raw Studio to save user settings to the camera. Depending on the RAW you’re using to create a user setting, it may not let you set a higher Dynamic Range so one must find a RAW shot with that dynamic range or higher or adjust that setting on the camera. I made sure to copy these to X Raw Studio’s User Settings to keep a backup. Oddly enough, the User Settings have more restrictions on allowable characters than the camera itself. As a Mac user, X Raw Studio is clunky as heck and has needless alert dialogs but it works well enough. It is clearly purpose built.

    Sourdough biscuits for breakfast today. With the X100V, learning manual focus & judicious aperture settings are key for food. And willing use of the flash. The flash on this camera is good! But don’t use the Velvia Film Simulation with flash as shadows get a very blue cast.

    biscuits with red paprika on a plate

    Chocolate chip with walnut cookie connections.

    Turkey taquitos. Fried. Meaning delicious.

    browned fried taquitos on a grid rack

    Cooler weather = bread baking season. My partner made Sourdough specifically for stuffing. Excellent priorities.

    well caramelized sourdough loaf on a rack.

    There’s now a Thai restaurant where I live! Pretty decent for a small town.

    Celebrated mom’s birthday today with chicken fried steak (one of her favorites)! A great day.

    Spice in the form of home grown assorted peppers. Turned these fine frozen specimens into hot sauce last weekend.

    If you use recent Fujifilm camera (e.g. X100V), they have neat film simulations. I’ve made a iOS 15 Shortcut that’ll get the film sim from EXIF of a Fujifilm JPEG. Handy if you need a quick reminder about what film sim you used. Doesn’t yet work on B&W and sepia sims.

    We made our first batch of hot sauce the other weekend. Two pounds worth of home grown peppers made about 32 oz of sauce (we like a sauce that is thicker and doesn’t dribble off things). So good. 🌱

    frozen home grown peppers in ziplock bagsweighed peppersroasted peppersbottles and jarred peppers.

    Had a really good Independence Day fried chicken with a slaw based on real garlic aioli & ripe red Santa Fe peppers.

    fried chicken on a baking sheet with slaw to the side (slaw has ripe red Santa Fe pepper slices).

    I like Sierra Nevada’s Summer Break. Citrusy as expected and not too hoppy. It’s very refreshing. Just don’t expect a lot of complexity (it is a solid drinkable beer!).

    Partner made Boston cream pie (dessert after an amazing ribeye). 🤤

    I just changed my Apple ID email address. That was scary. I think everything is fine? Took a bit of device coercing. Some needed complete log-offs, other devices figured it out on their own. Really inconsistent and that made it more scary. Hope I never have to do that again.

    With the latest iOS, if a martini is in my face, Apple Watch unlocks my phone 🤗

    iOS Shortcut: RaspberryShake Helicorder 24 Hour PDT Plot

    I’ve a RaspberryShake that serves up helicorder plots. By default, they’re in UTC. My brain isn’t yet wired to convert UTC to PDT (my local time). So I’ve modified my original shortcut to overlay PDT onto the left Y-axis. Someday I’ll make this a bit more sophisticated such as switching to standard time or be fully international.

    As with the last Shortcut, this one assumes your Shake is resolved at rs.local

    Get the Helicorder24PDT iOS Shortcut

    Older 4/12 Shortcut version

    iOS Shortcut: RaspberryShake Helicorder 24 Hour Plot

    I rapidly made a iOS 14 Shortcut that automatically pulls the last 24 hours of helicorder plots from your #RaspberryShake (it assumes a rs.local hostname). Handy to have on the Home Screen. Let me know if there’s any problems. If you’re not in the US west coast, you’ll need to adjust to UTC from your time zone (look for Add 7 hours). Get it here.

    Older 3/28 Shortcut version

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