NO Pedestrians Beyond This Point: Black Phoebe enforced #Birds #Fujifilm #SacramentoWildlifeRefuge
Fujifilm X
Sometimes unintentional photos are the best. Today at the Sacramento National Wildlife Refuge south of Willows:
Last weekend, fresh foliage adorn our stalwart oaks of Northern California. The interior coast range’s Snow Mountain looms in the background. 📷 #MBApr
Death Valley Road Trip Part 7
Monday, March 25, 2024
This is the last post in this Death Valley photo log. After the short hike at Mosaic Canyon, it began to rain pretty decently, so we headed back to Furnace Creek.
Death Valley Road Trip Part 6
Sunday, March 24, 2024
This is a slightly shorter post today for just Mosaic Canyon.
Death Valley Road Trip Part 5
Saturday, March 23, 2024
Most of the second full day at Death Valley!
Death Valley Road Trip Part 4
Friday, March 22, 2024
Following the lake at Badwater, we went reversed course to the north.
Death Valley Road Trip Part 3
Thursday, March 21, 2024
Continuing from the Stove-Pipe Wells village, we went to an actual Stove-Pipe Well just to the north.
Death Valley Road Trip Part 2
Tuesday, March 19, 2024
Tonight I’ve a quick post of our drive into Death Valley.
Death Valley Road Trip Part 1
Monday, March 18, 2024
We had been talking about visiting Death Valley for many years. We finally did it! Here is the first post in a series.
Weather was nice today! Summer is waning and so I guess outdoor photography season can begin. Here are a few dragonflies enjoying an overcast and hazy day. #Fujifilm
This morning, House Finches were breakfasting on ripe elderberries in our backyard. #HouseFinch #BirdsOfMastodon #BirdWatching #Fujifilm
Last weekend: just a taste of the views you can have at Pinnacles National Park, California, if you take the the High Peaks Trail. #PinnaclesNationalPark #Fujifilm #GeologyMakesThePhoto
Last weekend: in its most happiest habitat, predominantly here are Yellow Monkeyflowers within massive rocks at Pinnacles National Park, California. #MonkeyFlowers #PinnaclesNationalPark
Sorry, I’m not selling my X100V. I’ve had it since Sep 2021, and I only had to wait 2 months to get it. It’s great.
DPReview: “Can’t find a Fujifilm X100V? What are the alternatives?”…
Korean Air 777-3 HL7204 from ICN on approach to SFO on January 21, 2023. #AvGeek #PlaneSpotting #AviationPhotography #Fujifilm
What luck today. Photographed a juvenile Bald Eagle (second year?) at the Sacramento National Wildlife Refuge. #birds #BaldEagle #Fujifilm
Last night an RV and car caught fire behind us. As far as I know, no one was injured. Here are better photos of the action. There was a really nice full moon last night, too, though thin clouds fuzzed it up a bit. #fujifilm
Red Tail Hawk from yesterday’s bird watching at the Sacramento National Wildlife Refuge. It’s not surprising that they’re not easy to spot. Even rarer is the one that won’t fly off if you get within 100 yards. #fujifilm #birds #RedTailedHawk

Snow Mountain in the Mendocino National Forest in Northern California still has snow and seems it got a fresh coat.

Spotted a Belted Kingfisher today! #kingfisher #birds
Wednesday, December 14, 2022 →
Western Mockingbird foraging for raisins in our backyard.

Gorgeous day today in Northern California. This is from the same place where we saw the Northern Flickers (and Nutall’s and Acorn Woodpeckers).

Back in September we visited Glacier National Park. We didn't take the Going to the Sun Road, but opted for the lesser traveled Snyder Creek trail. Here's a couple of fuzzy caterpillars taken with a Fujifilm X100V.
Beetle killed trees in Saxony, Germany.
Before our trip to Germany, I pruned the first big leaves off a sunflower because they were shading out a pepper. Now the sunflower has a flower near each prune cut. Great for attracting bees to our peppers!
Gray Hairstreak butterfly on one of our pepper plants.

June 6 in Munich.

Obligatory photo of surfers at the Eisbachwelle in Munich’s English Garden.

Eurasian Coots in the Pagodenburger See at the Schloss Nymphenburg in Munich.